Have you seen our new waste separation system? We are over the moon with excitement about it!
For many years, we were separating our waste in the kitchen. Because of our old system, we had a lot of compostable food waste end up in the landfill container, which is not only difficult to separate but can release methane when not disposed of correctly. Fortunately, one of our dear friends and regular customer, Jon (pictured here) had a great idea. He suggested that we try a different waste separation unit in the restaurant. His idea for the 3-unit separator not only saves us a lot of work but protects our environment too!
So, with this great idea, the Green Cuisine team got to work putting the plan into place, and we knew exactly who to call: Andrew Strauss.
Andrew is a vegan carpenter, also known as Handy Andy. Andy made our beautiful and sustainable living edge wood table recently, so we were thrilled to work with him again.

We wanted to build this unit out of a sustainable material too, so we asked Andy to create an upcycled and efficient new waste management system out of old wood palettes. He was eager to help, and he did a truly fantastic job!
Once built, we knew we needed to label the different units, but we did not want to include any plastic lamination or harmful inks. Our solution was to label each of the 3 waste units with wooden chalkboard signs using water-based chalkboard pens.
Now, anytime you come into the restaurant you can see our waste separation units labelled as “Landfill,” “Compost,” and “Recyclables.” They are efficient, eco-conscious, and truly beautiful.
We would like to thank our wonderful community for providing us with eco-friendly suggestions! What green solution would you like to implement in your home or business? What should we work on next?
Andrew Strauss is on Instagram! Check him out at @handyandyvictoria